2020 – The Year of Face to Face Interaction

Over the past years, professionals have been conditioned to leveraged technology to solve our professional development needs. Need a job go on Zip Recruiter, need to network, go on Linkedin, need more education, go to an online university, and so on. We’ve become so reliant on online services that people have forgotten how to connect with people face to face. Most concerning is our young professionals and future leaders are not developing skills of effective face to face networking and communication.

With that said, successful professionals consistently insist that face to face interactions are the backbone to a successful career path. Additionally, it’s not about having the most connections, but having the right connections. Building the right connections takes several engagements to build rapport, to develop trust and to understand one another’s needs.

With all that said, event planners are faced with a dilemma at their live events and conferences, especially with their youngest members which are the key to growth of their organization. Attendees are showing increased signs of anxiety stemming from their own self-esteem and confidence concerns when having to actually engage with someone face to face.

To alleviate attendee’s anxiety and stress levels of having to meet the right people and network efficiently event planners for associations, tradeshows, corporations (client conference meetings), alumni associations, etc… are increasingly turning to structured networking programs. These structured programs often incorporate a facilitator that guides attendees through several rounds of targeted, mutually beneficially meetings backed by advancements of powerful and customized business match making algorithms that significantly enhances the networking process while reducing the stress of connecting people.

2020 is the year we will see the exponential rise in structured face to face programs. Even social media giant (LinkedIn), is starting to implement face to face meetings in larger urban cities. As further evidence, new startup companies are rapidly emerging with new technologies for face to face meetings. Advanced meeting/scheduling systems, wearable technology, location (GPS) enabled solutions, etc…are popping up throughout the networking solutions scene.

If you are interested in learning how to effectively implement some of these strategies at your next event, please contact us for a free consultation and demo:

Sean Gallas
P: ( 844) 303-8118